
The author of this blog does not advocate hate or unprovoked violence against any group. The purpose of this blog is to provide the very best information regarding philosophy, mindset training, and technique for the Christian Martialist in their broader Biblical, theological and cultural contexts. Nothing posted here should be construed as promoting or excusing hostile speech or acts toward anyone.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sensible Prepper Conference, October 14 & 15 2011

For those interested in preparedness, there will be Sensible Prepper Conference in the upstate of S.C. on October 14 & 15. I have reserved space as a vendor, and if you would like a special deal on a couple of my books, come on by.

Although I've not attended the conference before, it looks as though it's well organized with really knowledgeable presenters, and it's dirt cheap to get in the door. Here's a video that will tell you more about the conference.

Here's a link where you can see the details about the conference including the schedule:
Sensible Preppers Conference, Oct. 14&15 2011

For an idea of the previous conference held in April, click the link below:


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